We have a statutory duty to keep a record of all unauthorised absences and to note these on each child's annual report. This is part of the national move to monitor and discourage absence.
The Department for Education now requires all schools to publish unauthorised absence. Lateness also comes under this category. Registers will be closed at 8.50am each morning and children arriving after that time will be marked late. It is important that parents notify us of the reason for their child's absence as soon as possible, and by 9.00am at the latest, for each day that a child is absent from school.
Click here if you are requesting absence for a medical appointment or emergency dental appointment
Click here if you are requesting leave for other exceptional circumstances
Please see the Attendance Policy on the Policies Page.
If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea they should not attend school until 48 hours from the last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea.
The school follows the Health Protection Agency guidance on preventing infection.
Medication Management
• Name of medicine
• Dosage and timing
If a child refuses to take medicine, school staff must not coerce the child. The parent will be informed of the refusal.