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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


Kenyngton Manor Primary School Staff List


Mr. L Herdman

Vice Principal

Mr. J Duffy

Assistant Principal

Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Designated Teacher for Looked After & Previously Looked After Children

Designated Mental Health Lead



Mr. A Hart

Assistant Principal

Behaviour /Attendance Leader


Mrs. C O'Hara

Inclusion Lead / SENDCo Mrs. E Birchenough
Senior Teacher for Curriculum Miss S Covell


Teachers in Reception

(Early Years) 

Mrs S Dhillon (RL - Leo Class)

Mr T Brand (RD - Draco Class)



 Teachers in Key Stage One

Mrs N Grist (1U - Ursa Major)

Mrs J Shields-Palmer (1C - Canis Major)

Miss M Keep (2D - Delphinus)

Mrs. A Markwell / Mrs. H Taylor (2P - Pavo)


 Teachers in Key Stage Two

Mr. A Roberts (3C - Centaurus) 

Mrs. C O'Hara & Mr. A Hart (3P - Pegasus)

Miss S Covell (4T - Tucano) 

Miss M Currie (4P - Phoenix)

Ms K Clifford (5A - Auriga)

Miss R Kelsey (5O - Orion) 

Miss J Anthony (6B - Corona Borealis) 

Mrs K Lazenby (6A - Corona Australis) 

Nursery/Pre-school Manager

Miss S Miah (Sun, Moon and Stars)

Preschool Deputy Manager

Nursery Deputy Manager 

Miss C Harris

Mrs. C Lee


 Learning Support Assistants

Mrs K Kingdon (HLTA)

Ms C Baldwin

Ms M Ashraf

Miss M Laird

Mrs. Iona Florea

Mrs. M Khan

Mrs. M Thakur

Mrs. J Stefankova

Mrs. A Kowalik 

Mrs. N Khan

Miss A Higgs

Mrs. E Korzeniewicz

Miss K O'Keeffe


Early Years Practitioner Team

Miss H Morgan - Reception

Miss M Light - Reception

Mrs W Deegan - Preschool/Nursery

Miss N Ball- Preschool/Nursery

Mrs. S Burkin - Preschool/Nursery

Mrs. J Dias - Preschool/Nursery

Miss S Hance - Preschool/Nursery

Miss B Fairminer - Preschool/Nursery

Miss T Andrews - Preschool/Nursery

Home School Link Worker

Mrs. S Hamilton 


Learning Mentors

Mrs. R Sykes (HLTA)

Miss L Clarke

PA to Principal & Office Manager

Mrs. S Fitzsimmons

School Administrator

Mrs D Yeates

School Administrator (including SEN Administration)

Miss S Parr


Mrs. K Fletcher

Finance Assistant

Mrs. J Hitch


Site Manager

Mr. P Mason 

Site Managers Assistant

Mr. R Williams