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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Home School Link Worker

The role of a Home School Link Worker (HSLW)

  • Offering support in school;
  • Supporting parents/carers and families;
  • Improve attendance and punctuality;
  • Promoting positive behaviour.

During term time we work in partnership with parents/carers, schools and other agencies to support families aiming to reduce current stressful situations and prevent future difficulties.

We aim to ensure that all children enjoy school and are happy and secure.

The HSLW can help by providing:

  • One to one support, listening ear and advice;
  • Signposting to other agencies i.e. Information of local services and community activities;
  • Support groups for parents/carers.

Who can the HSLW help?

  • Parents/carers experiencing behavioural issues with their children;
  • Families who are reacting to change, such as parental separation or bereavement;
  • Parents/carers to improve attendance and punctuality;
  • Difficulties impacting on family life e.g. illness, domestic violence, disability, financial difficulties;
  • Signposting – providing information on local services, benefit entitlements and community activities;
  • Completing forms and documentation for benefit applications;
  • Children who are experiencing difficult times or are withdrawn or anxious;
  • Ensuring children feel happy and secure in their school environment.

How do I contact the HSLW?

You can contact your HSLW by the following methods:


Telephone: 01932 755117

What can you expect?

During your first meeting your HSLW will complete a referral form to assess the nature of the issue.

You will then work together with your HSLW to improve the difficulties your child is experiencing and identify the best way forward.

The HSLW offers a confidential service and parental consent is always obtained before initiating contact with your child. If necessary we would seek your permission to share the information with school staff or outside agencies. Should a Child Protection issue be identified we are legally bound to follow Government Guidelines.