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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

New Reception Admission Tours

If you would like to come and visit our school for a tour please contact our school office on 01932 783778 or email

New Reception Class Admissions

Applications for new Reception class admissions at Kenyngton Manor should be directed to Surrey County Council for the September intake. 

The Published Admission Number (PAN) for initial entry to Kenyngton Manor Primary School in September 2025 will be 60.

Applications for admission to Reception must be made by 15 January 2025.  Applications are made direct to Surrey via an online application or on a paper application form available from Surrey County Council. Applications for admission at the normal intake will be managed in accordance with Surrey’s coordinated scheme for primary admissions. 

Whilst applicants can request to defer their child’s entry to Reception until later in the school year, this will not be agreed beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the beginning of the final term of the academic year for which the offer was made.  Applicants may also request for their child to start part-time until their child reaches statutory school age. Requests should be made in line with the Surrey County Council Policies. 

For more information visit this section of the Surrey County Council website  

Late applications will only be considered after all on time applications have been processed

In Year Admissions

Sometimes a parent may need to make an in-year application for a school place if their child needs to join a school outside of the normal admissions round - for example, if you move house and your child can no longer attend their current school. 

This is subject to places being available for children up to the age of 11. This is called an in-year application and should be made to Surrey County Council. 

To apply for an in year school place please visit Surrey County Council here.

 Admissions Arrangements 

Admissions arrangements for all THPT schools comply with the School Admissions Code and the Schools Appeal Code 

Admissions Arrangements for entry in September 2025

Admissions Arrangements for entry in September 2026

 School Admissions Appeal 

In accordance with the 1998 Education Act, parents whose children are refused admission to the school can appeal. The appeal should be made in writing. Information on the appeals procedure is available from the School's Admission Officer or on the Surrey County Council website. 

School Admission Appeals Timetable 2025